"Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart"
- Winnie the Pooh
Our Cause
One of our first thoughts when creating Little Buck was how we needed to somehow give back to where it all began.

Most people's experience with the hospital is rather short when it comes to having a baby. You have the baby, and a day or two later you head home. This was not the case for us.
At 32 weeks, I developed HELLP Syndrome, and our "little buck" had to be delivered 2 months premature. We spent every single day in the NICU with him for 28 days.
During our stay, we learned there are so many things which are needed to make the NICU work.
This is why we decided to donate a portion of our sales to our local Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
So with every purchase, we THANK YOU for helping us help the place which took care of our baby and so many others.